
Version 3

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Version 0.3: custom data type

The next step is providing our apache module rows with a new field that shows the current state of the module at every moment. This means that the value will not be stored on disk, hence it will not be retrieved from disk either. This value will be computed every time the row is rendered.

To provide this functionality we need to introduce how Zentyal types work and how we can create our own type to achieve this behavior. In a nutshell, Zentyal types provide a convenient way to store and represent certain data. Most of them are stored and automatically retrieved from our persistence backend, being LDAP or Redis.

Data model

Create the directory src/Ebox/Apache2/Types and inside that directory the file src/EBox/Apache2/Types/CurrentStatus.pm with the following content:

package EBox::Apache2::Types::CurrentStatus;

use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'EBox::Types::Boolean';

use EBox::Exceptions::MissingArgument;

# Method: optional
#   Overrides <EBox::Types::Boolean::optional>.
sub optional
    my ($self) = @_;

    return 1;

# Method: value
#   Overrides <EBox::Types::Boolean::value>.
#   Here is where we can compute or return stuff that we want to report
#   to the user.
sub value
    my ($self) = @_;

    # Fetch row instance, return if we don't have any.
    my $row = $self->row();
    return undef unless ($row);

    # Fetch module's name. This is stored in the field "module" of our row
    my $name = $row->valueByName('module');

    # Check if the module is enabled by checking if the file
    # "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/$name.load" exits.
    return ( -f "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/$name.load" );

# Method: printableValue
#   Overrides <EBox::Types::Boolean::printableValue>.
#   We don't need to do fancy stuff with the value returned in a printable
#   way, so we just spit out what value() returns.
sub printableValue
    my ($self) = @_;

    return $self->value();

# Method: restoreFromHash
#   Overrides <EBox::Types::Boolean::restoreFromHash>
#   We don't need to restore anything from disk so we leave this method empty
sub restoreFromHash


# Method: storeInHash
#   Overrides <EBox::Types::Basic::storeInHash>
#   Following the same reasoning as restoreFromHash, we don't need to store
#   anything.
sub storeInHash



The only relevant method that is worth commenting with a few lines is value(). storeInGconf() and restoreFromHash() are only overridden to provide an empty implementation, while printableValue() just calls value().

In value we have to do the following: we need to return true or false depending on if the apache module is enabled or disabled. This method will be called for every row in the table. First question is: how do we know what apache module we have to check? Take a look at the code:

sub value
    my ($self) = @_;

    # Fetch row instance, return if we don't have any.
    my $row = $self->row();
    return undef unless ($row);

    # Fetch module's name. This is stored in the field "module" of our row
    my $name = $row->valueByName('module');

    # Check if the module is enabled by checking if the file
    # "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/$name.load" exits.
    return ( -f "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/$name.load" );

Remember that the method value() belongs to a field, that is a class implementing EBox::Types::Abstract. A row is composed of several fields. In our model, these fields are: module, enabled and a new field current of type EBox::Types::CurrentStatus that we are creating now. We are interested in fetching the value of the field module within the field current. The method row() within a given field returns undef or the row this field belongs to, once we have the row we get the value of the field module in that row by running valueByName('module') from the row object.

Once we have the name of the module we only need to check if the file /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/$name.load exists; this we do in the last line of the method.

Now it's time to modify our Modules model to use this new type, so we only have to add a few lines to src/EBox/Apache2/Model/Modules.pm.

First, we need to let Perl know we will be using this type:

use EBox::Apache2::Types::CurrentStatus;

Second, we extend our table to use this type:

my @fields =
    new EBox::Types::Select(
        'fieldName' => 'module',
        'printableName' => __('Module'),
        'populate' => \&populate_module,
        'unique' => 1,
        'editable' => 1
    new EBox::Types::Boolean(
        'fieldName' => 'enabled',
        'printableName' => __('Enabled'),
        'editable' => 1
    new EBox::Apache2::Types::CurrentStatus(
        'fieldName' => 'current',
        'printableName' => __('Current status'),

The whole file should look like this:

package EBox::Apache2::Model::Modules;

use base 'EBox::Model::DataTable';

use strict;
use warnings;

use EBox::Gettext;

use EBox::Types::Boolean;
use EBox::Types::Select;
use EBox::Apache2::Types::CurrentStatus;

#   Callback function to fill out the values that can
#   be picked from the <EBox::Types::Select> field module
# Returns:
#   Array ref of hash refs containing:
sub populate_module

    my @opts = ();
    push (@opts, { value => 'ssl', printableValue => 'SSL' });
    push (@opts, { value => 'info', printableValue => 'Info' });
    push (@opts, { value => 'status', printableValue => 'Status' });
    push (@opts, { value => 'version', printableValue => 'Version' });
    return \@opts;


# Method: _table
# Overrides:
#       <EBox::Model::DataTable::_table>
sub _table
    my ($self) = @_;

    my @fields = (
        new EBox::Types::Select(
           'fieldName' => 'module',
            'printableName' => __('Module'),
            'populate' => \&populate_module,
            'unique' => 1,
            'editable' => 1
        new EBox::Types::Boolean(
            'fieldName' => 'enabled',
            'printableName' => __('Enabled'),
            'editable' => 1
        new EBox::Apache2::Types::CurrentStatus(
            'fieldName' => 'current',
            'printableName' => __('Current status'),

    my $dataTable =
        'tableName' => 'Modules',
        'printableTableName' => __('Modules'),
        'modelDomain' => 'Apache2',
        'defaultActions' => ['add', 'del', 'editField', 'changeView' ],
        'tableDescription' => \@fields,
        'printableRowName'=> __('Apache module'),
        'sortedBy' => 'module',
        'help' => __('This is the help of the model'),

    return $dataTable; 




The current entry menu for our module is still pointing to the Settings model that is created by default by zentyal-module-skel. It would be nice to have a menu entry to access our modules model.

The process to build the Zentyal menu works as follows: the framework will ask every main class in run-time to return a data structure by calling the method menu(). This data structure can contain a single menu entry with its name and URL, or it might be a bit more complex and return a folder with no URLs and several entries with URLs contained in that folder.

Let's see an example of how to return a folder called Apache2 and two entries pointing to Settings and Modules. The method to modify is menu() in src/EBox/Apache2.pm, and it should look like this:

# Method: menu
#       Overrides EBox::Module method.
sub menu
    my ($self, $root) = @_;

    my $folder = new EBox::Menu::Folder( 
        'separator' => 'Core',                                                  
        'order' => 1,
        'name' => 'Apache2',                                                    
        'text' => __('Apache2')                                                 
    my $settings = new EBox::Menu::Item(                                        
        'url' => 'Apache2/View/Settings',                                       
        'text' => __('Settings')                                                
    my $modules = new EBox::Menu::Item(                                         
        'url' => 'Apache2/View/Modules',                                        
        'text' => __('Modules')                                                 



After these modifications, when you click on the entry menu labeled Apache2 you will see:


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