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Latest revision as of 10:02, 31 July 2014

This documents covers Zentyal 3.0 or greater; starting with zentyal-users package version 3.0.14.

If the setup of user module or any module which provides LDAP schemas is disrupted you can have a server with missing schemas.

This can be recognized by error like this in /var/log/zentyal/zentyal.log:

There was an error updating LDAP: Some part of the request contained an invalid syntax. It could be a search with an invalid filter or a request to modify the schema and the given schema has a bad syntax.


There was an error updating LDAP: The request specifies a change to an existing entry or the addition of a new entry that does not comply with the servers schema


There was an error updating LDAP: The request contains an undefined attribute type

Also any message which complains that it cannot found 'ou=vdomains,ou=postfix,[YOU_DOMAIN]' is not a schemas error but it can be fixed with the same instructios that zentyal-mail schemas.

There are two ways to fix this either reinstall all LDAP-based modules or try to fix the schemas of only the affected modules.

The first way is the easier but it wipes out all your LDAP data. To do so, execute this command: "sudo /usr/share/zentyal-users/reinstall".

The second way is trickier but possible. First, make sure you have the last versions of the modules and then execute the commands for the module to fix:

- To fix zentyal-mail schemas

sudo -s # this will prompt your for password to get superuser access
/usr/share/zentya-mail/mail-ldap update
perl -MEBox -MEBox::Global -e'EBox::init(); $mod = EBox::Global->modInstance('mail'); $mod->reprovisionLDAP(); 1' 
/etc/init.d/zentyal apache restart 
exit # exit superuser account

- Ditto zentyal-mailfilter:

sudo -s # this will prompt your for password to get superuser access
perl -MEBox -MEBox::Global -e'EBox::init(); $mod = EBox::Global->modInstance('mailfilter'); $mod->reprovisionLDAP(); 1' 
/etc/init.d/zentyal apache restart 
exit # exit superuser account

- and for zentyal-jabber:

sudo -s # this will prompt your for password to get superuser access
perl -MEBox -MEBox::Global -e'EBox::init(); $mod = EBox::Global->modInstance('jabber'); $mod->reprovisionLDAP(); 1' 
/etc/init.d/zentyal apache restart 
exit # exit superuser account

- To fix captive-portal schemas:

sudo -s # this will prompt your for password to get superuser access
perl -MEBox -MEBox::Global -e'EBox::init(); $mod = EBox::Global->modInstance('captiveportal'); $mod->reprovisionLDAP(); 1' 
/etc/init.d/zentyal apache restart 
exit # exit superuser account

- .. and for zentyal-asterisk:

sudo -s # this will prompt your for password to get superuser access
perl -MEBox -MEBox::Global -e'EBox::init(); $mod = EBox::Global->modInstance('asterisk'); $mod->reprovisionLDAP(); 1' 
/etc/init.d/zentyal apache restart 
exit # exit superuser account
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