
Apt Broken Packages Error

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Broken packages APT error

This a common error which could be raised when installing/upgrading packages. It is caused by transient states in your system.

This error is identified by a message like this, with the requested package list:

root command apt-get -qq --no-install-recommends --simulate install [package list] failed. 
Error output: E: Broken packages

Common solutions

Bad packages sources lists

Removing the Zentyal sources list or adding sources not compatible with them could cause this problem.

Check your packages sources at /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d . You can find the correct Zentyal sources at Documentation/Community/Installation/InstallationGuide . Remember to execute 'sudo apt-get update' after fixing the sources lists.

Packages list cache not updated

If the lists are correct maybe the package lists cache is out of sync. To fix it you can run the command 'sudo apt-get update'.

Packages not configured

In this case the installation process aborted (or was interrupted) when configuring the new packages. You could try this command to fix it: 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'

None of the listed solution works for your system

  • Check the file /var/log/zentyal/software.log for clues for you solution
  • Open (or reopen) a bug ticket only if you are sure the problem is caused by a Zentyal bug. In this case be sure to reproduce again the problem, include the files /var/log/zentyal/zentyal.log and /var/log/zentyal/zentyal.log. And very important write in the bug what steps you took to arrive to this error.
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